Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 22.djvu/309

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is not unlike the Looms with us. They are very neat and dexterous in this business. The entertainment (which con- sisted of Fish Spawn mixed with Berries and train Oil,) was served up in wooden Bowls, handed by the lower Orders of males. I was invited strongly to partake, but the Smell was enough therefore pleaded indisposition. After they had done, the remains was sent to the females. The King inform'd they was going to have a dance in the evening, and wish'd me for to stay. However I declin'd, and return'd on board. This Village was 3 leagues 97 from Adventure Cove. Capt. Hannah, a Chief of the village, Ahhousett sometimes came to see his old friends (as he call'd us). He resided 9 leagues from the Cove but was under the Jurisdiction of Wickananish.

6. This day one of the Chiefs of Juan De Fuca Straits came on board. He was upon a visit to Wickananish, and indeed had married his sister, inform'd us there was a Spanish Ship in the Straits, brought many furs.

17. Began to caulk the Sloop Adventure's bottom, it being completely planked up. I this day made an excursion to the Village, having put myself under the car of Tatoochkasettle, 98 one of the King's brothers, who conducted me in his Canoe. Upon my arrival was treated as usuall very politely. I took up my residence at Tatoochkasettle's house, who invited a large company to sup with him. After supper finding I wish'd to visit some other familys he sent his servants with lighted torches, for to conduct me. I return'd back about Midnight and found there was an excellent watch kept throughout the village, each one hooping at certain intervals throughout the night. My Indian friend had made me as comfortable a berth to sleep on as was in his power, but the House being full of smoak, and the young Children very fractious, occasion'd my sleeping but little all night. In the morning early observ'd most of the Men bathing on the Beach. On enquiring the cause, was inform'd that this day the King was going to give his Eldest Son the name of Wickananish, and take another

97 Haswell fives the distance btwn Opitsitah and Adventure Cove as three m\l3.

98 The eldest brother of Wickananish, and the Chief who had been decoyed on board and held until Attoo, the Sandwich Island boy, was returned. Evi- dently this insult still rankled in his breast, despite his outward appearance of friendliness.