Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 22.djvu/352

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Regular NE. Monsoon. Soundings at Noon 26 fathom, fine sand.

20. N. Lat. 6 9' ; W. Long. 252 46' ; E. Long. 107 14'. Soundings at Noon, 32 fm., fine sand.

21. N. Lat. 4 28'; W. Long. 253 23'; E. Long. 106 37'; Azi. 1 18' E. Soundings at Noon 45 fm., steady Monsoon.

22. N. Lat. 3 0'; W. Long. 255 5'; E. Long. 104 55'. The Islands of Pulo Timon, Aore, and Tissang 209 " 209 ^ in sight to the Southward. At Noon Pulo Aore bore SBW^ 10 leagues. Soundings 35 fathom.

23. N. Lat. 56'; W. Long. 254 20'; E. Long. 105 40'. Soundings at Noon 35 fm., Sand and Mud.

24. S. Lat. 44'; W. Long. 254 46'; E. Long. 105 14'. This day saw Pulo Taya to the westward. At Noon Pulo Taya 210 bore WNW. 6 leagues, the Seven Islands, SEE. Ex- perience a current to the Southward this 24 hours, the Mon- soon moderate.

25. S. Lat. 1 43'; W. Long. 255 9'; E. Long. 104 51'. Pass'd between Taya and the Seven Isles, distance from Seven Isles about 4 leagues. More Islands hove in sight to the SE. At Sunset saw land, which we took for Monopin Hill. Laid off and on through the Night under short sail. Soundings from 8 to 16 fathom. At daylight Monopin Hill bore SEE, 7 leagues. Bore off. At Meridian Monopin Hill bore E^N and the Sumatra shore WSW., the ship nearest the Banca Shore, 211 strong currents to the Southward. Soundings 18 fathom.


26. S. Lat. 2 43'. Enter'd the Straits of Banca, and stood to the SE. At 5 P. M. Monopin Hill bearing NNW, the Ship being y? nearest to the Banca shore from Sumatra on. We

ed. 1784. Dublin, vol. 3, p. 449. See also Dixon's Voyage, 2nd ed. 1789, p. 323.

209 These are evidently the islands mentioned by Captain King as Pulo Timoan, Pulo Puisang and Pulo nor. See Cook's Third Voyage, vol. 3, p. 465, et seq.

20954 Tioman, Aor and Pemangil or Tingy? W. C. F.

210 Saya. W. C. F.

211 In Marchand's Voyage, vol. 2, p. i, among the plans and sketches, will be found one showing the tracks of -ome eight ships through the straits between Banca and Billiton.