Whites Col'd L.E. L.D. Preach S.Sch Off&Tch Schol Vols
Oregon City &
Clak 51 1 6 35 150
Salem 105 1 1 6 1 11 73 150
Calapovia 36 1
Mary's River 81 1 4
Yamhill 147 3
Tualatin Plains.. 16 11
Portland . 7 1 3 31 106
443 1 1 3 14 3 20 139 406 Last year 315 2 17 3 19 108 300
Increase 128 111 1 31 106
Decrease 3
In the above I entirely omit those which are discontinued in the winter they must however be counted and added to the above make the list as follows.
Schools Off. & Teach. Scholars Vols.
Salem 3 7 45 50
Yamhill 6 18 100 300
Mary's River 1 10 50
Now in operation 3 20 139 406
Total . .13 55 334 756
As nearly as can be estimated 81 persons have been converted during the year, seven of our members have died and 27 have been removed not counting those that have gone to the mines expecting to return the nos [numbers] of which I cannot now ascertain.
Saml. Newman a Local preacher, was killed by the Indians in California leaving a widow and several children with the particulars of his death I have no very definite information. The general facts seem to be that while he & 2 others were hunting for their oxen they came upon the Indians who had taken them and were cruelly murdered and their bodies burned. The mining business is not without its perils.
I have had occasion to remark of our members generally who have departed this life, they die well. I was particularly interested in the case of a sister Seward who died early in the winter She was a woman of ex