Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 23.djvu/423

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Albany, N. Y., in 1766, 58.

Alvord, Major, recommends extinguishing Indian title to lands along the Colum- bia between the Cascades and The Dalles and that the northeastern part of Washington be reserved as "Indian country," 10.

Atkinson, Rev. Geo. H., active in bring- ing about educational organization and growth of thought and sentiment for education at the beginning of the ter- ritorial period, 220-1.


Ball, John, first teacher at Fort Van- couver, whose letters describing Ore- gon country were published, 307.

Beaver, Reverend, and wife arrive in Oregon, 245.

Beeswax drifted ashore in Hawaiian Isl- ands, obtained by Kendrick, 293.

Bell's, James Christy, Opening a High- way to the Pacific, 1838-46, reviewed by Joseph Schafer, 84-6; discredits in- fluence of Lewis and Clark expedition and of Astor's enterprise and of Floyd's agitation, 84-6.

Benton, Thomas Hart, influences Dr. John Floyd towards urging occupation of Oregon country, 195; suggests im- portance of oriental markets, 199; of- fers resolution in the Senate inquiring into expediency of enabling President to take possession, 210.

Bonneville advises Indians be given res- ervations and Indian agents be ap- pointed to look after their interests, 10.

Bruce, William, in company with Jona- than Carver near the Falls of St. An- thony, 59.

Carey, Charles Henry, announcement of a new History of Oregon by, 276.

Carver's, Jonathan, Source of the Name Oregon, 53-69; Carver's "Travels" wins prominence for its author, 5 3 ; occasions inquiry as to sources of his information and reliability of his statements, 53; earns his military title through efficient service in Can- ada, 1755-63, 54; his education, 54- 55; in impecunious circumstances in the years immediately after the war, 55; in May, 1766, becomes actively associated with Robert Rogers, 55;

Carver's claim to an original idea of western exploration questioned, the probability of the suggestion's origi- nating with Major Rogers, 56; General Thomas Gage and Sir William John- son not pleased to appoint Major Rog- ers to the post at Mackinac, 57; Rogers' probable route through Al- bany and Oswego, 57-8; excerpts from original journal of Captain Car- ver indicate that he was ordered to join party proceeding to find the great river Oregon, 60; journal entries of fruitless search of this party for the northwest passage, 60-2; Major Rogers' scheme through reaching chiefs of the Mississippi valley to extend in- fluence of British authority and in- crease trade, 62; conclusion from sources: Jonathan Carver not an in- dependent traveler nor an independent writer, 62-3; his literary achievement, 63 ; copy of commission given by Ma- jor Rogers to Jonathan Carver to sur- vey a route from Mackinac to the Falls of St. Anthony and to return by Illinois river if not ordered farther westward, 64; copy of orders given James Stanley Goddard, appointing him secretary of detachment under command of Captain James Tute for the discovery of River Ourigan and Northwest Passage, 64-5; copy of in- structions given by Major Rogers to Captain James Tute, commanding party for the discovery of the North- west Passage or of the great River Ourigan, 65-9. Carver Grant, 59.

Education in the Oregon Constitutional Convention of 1857, 220-9; ideas brought from the Central States, 220; conditions in Oregon affecting attitude towards schools, 220; Reverend George H. Atkinson active in bringing about educational organization at the be- ginning of the territorial period; also stimulates educational thought and sentiment, 220-1; three types of con- stitutional provisions for educational system, 221-2; personnel of the con- stitutional convention, especially of the committee on education and school lands, 223; discussion Of the reports, majority and minority, of this com- mittee, 224; the executive for the ad- ministration of the state educational system, 224; the sources for the com-
