Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 23.djvu/80

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report to the A. B. C. F. M. in a letter dated Kamiah, Oregon, Sept 28, 1840.

"Since I have had any connection with this department, a small book of 52 pages has been printed with the assistance of Mr. Hall, a copy of which accompanies this report. 800 copies were printed & 250 have been bound.

A room in Mr Spalding's house has been occupied with the press & types, but it is too small to do anything in to advantage.

A large font of Pica type has not been opened. It is the type needed for printing school books, but cannot be opened for want of cases, six pairs of which are needed.

In order to do anything to advantage a suitable building is needed, together with the furniture as recommended, by Mr. Hall."

The book is in size 5^x4^2 inches, and was printed in thirteen numbered signatures of four pages each.

The books mentioned as bound were furnished with a printed blue paper cover, a cut of which is shown herewith. (See plate).

Mr. Rogers however did not do any further printing for the Mission, for before the next book was printed he resigned, in the spring of 1841, on account of disagreements with Mr. Spalding, causing his late associates much anxiety through the report that he was engaged to be married to a Catholic, the quarter-breed daughter of Mr. Pambrun, then recently killed by a fall from his horse.

Mr. Rogers, however, married the daughter of the Rev. Mr. Leslie, one of of the Methodist missionaries, and on Feb. 1, 1843, was drowned while landing from a canoe at the falls of the Willamette.

[To be concluded]