which is presumed to be on the 120th meridian, has been changed at least three times. This meridian between Nevada and California was first marked between 1860 and 1863. A new line farther west was surveyed and marked in 1868 at the time of the establishment of the intersection of this meridian with the 42nd parallel for the Oregon-California boundary previously mentioned. A third line was run in 1872, and this time a wooden post was placed on the 42nd parallel at a point about 3 miles east of the corner established in 1868. This line is the one which still governs, although it is said to be west of the true position.
The Oregon-California-Nevada corner of 1868 is known as Major's Initial Point, as it was established by Daniel G. Major, United States land surveyor, for the starting point of the Oregon-California boundary on the 42nd parallel of north latitude, previously mentioned in this article. It is about 3 miles west of the presently accepted joint corner common to the three states. Major's report to the United States general land office contains details about the location of the Initial Point, and how it was marked. It is on the north side of a long, rocky hill, 13 chains north of Twelvemile Creek and 10 chains north of the then recently constructed military road from Camp Bidwell and Surprise Valley to Fort Warner. Incidentally Twelvemile Creek was so named because it was that distance from Camp Bidwell.
The following quotation describes in detail the Initial Point:
Made deep excavations near rocky ledge; deposited three large block glass bottles, also charred cottonwood stakes, 30 ins. long and 6 ins. circumference; built about it a monument of large stones, well shapen, circular, 9 ft. diam., and 7 ft. high, and 4 ft. diam, at top, surmounted by dressed sandstone, 20 x 20 x 10 ins., mkd. as follows in deeply cut characters:
- on N. face, OREGON
- on S. face, LONG. 120°, LAT, 42°
- on E. NEVADA
- on top, D. G. MAJOR, U.S.Astr., 1868.
dist. to large rock (4 ft. x 4 ft.), 30 Iks. direction SW. To large rock (3 ft. x 3 ft. x 3 ft.) dist. 22 lks., direction N. Planted a juniper post, 6 ft. long, 8 ins. sq., at beveled top, mkd. on side facing SE., "N.", on side facing Sw. "C." on NW. face "O," and on NE. face "1868 1200 L 42° L." Blazed and mkd. many trees in creek bottom.