Page:Oregon Literature by Horner.djvu/116

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Intoxicated unawares,
Where mountain peaks fenced out the world
And lonely tribes immortal grew,
Where freedom kissed the budding soul
And let the light of genius through.
O land of Greece! O land of art!
One picture of a race confined
To God and nature, till it snatched
Joy and despair for all mankind.
Along the fair Pacific slope
A chain of sea-kissed, sun-kissed lands—
Green orchards bend with endless bloom,
Bright rivers roll o'er golden sands;
Like sentinels the white peaks rise
That guard this new-world paradise;
Deep in her valleys genius waits
To nurse awhile her tropic bloom
That yet shall burst and bear abroad
Immortal cycles of perfume;
Sierra's heights, Willamette's vales,
Thy inland seas and southland sun
As fairer yet shall yet surpass
Old Delphi's fount and Helicon.

—Eva Emery Dye.


The judge whose judicial action is influenced by fear, adds official delinquency to his miserable