She nurtures in her hovel roam abroad
And dart at people's throats. She makes the owl
To hoot around our houses. Snakes and frogs
And slimy reptiles, birds of night, the bat,
The croaking raven and the hedgehog grim,
Creatures who fly from man, are with this hag
Familiar, and in her spite she sends
The will-o'wisp to guide the wanderer on
To some deep bog: our hind was lantern-led
But yesternight, and came home scared to death.
She fears nor heaven nor earth, is never seen
At church or meeting: when she mumbles prayers,
She says them backwards: she is heard to talk
With mandrakes buried deep within the ground
Who do her bidding. Out upon the witch—
Ay to the river, down with her I say.
The Witch.
You will not be content until you have
My life, you greedy blood hounds. Can I stir