Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/102

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With him did Roland to the city go,
And at the bottom of a palace-stair,
Conducted by that elder, full of woe
A lady found, if face may grief declare,
And sable cloth, with which (a mournful show)
Chamber, and hall, and gallery, furnished were;
Who, after honourable welcome paid,
Seated the paladin, and sadly said.


“The daughter of the Count of Holland,” (cried
The lady) “know in me, Sir cavalier.
“Though not his only offspring (for beside
“Myself two brothers were) to him so dear,
“That, for whatever favour I applied,
“I never met refusal from the peer.
“I living gladly in this happy sort,
“A duke by chance was guested at our court;


“The Duke of Zealand, meaning for Biscay;
“With purpose there to war upon the Moor;
“His youth and beauty, then in manhood’s May,
“And force of love, unfelt by me before,
“Made me, with little strife, his easy prey:
“Persuaded by his outward cheer yet more,
“I thought, and think, and still shall think[6], the peer
“Loved me, and loves me yet with heart sincere.