Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/105

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“Twice broken, he our armies overthrew
“With this device, my gentle brethren slain;
“The first the shot in our first battle slew,
“Reaching his heart, through broken plate and chain;
“The other in the other onset, who
“Was flying from the fatal field in vain.
“The ball his shoulder from a distance tore
“Behind, and issued from his breast before.


“My father next, defending on a day
“The only fortress which he still possessed,
“The others taken which about it lay,
“Was sent alike to his eternal rest:
“Who going and returning, to purvey
“What lacked, as this or that occasion pressed,
“Was aimed at from afar, in privy wise,
“And by the traytour struck between the eyes.


“And I remaining, sire and brethren dead,
“The isle of Holland’s only heir, the king
“Of Friesland, who by the desire was led
“Of better there his power establishing,
“To me, and also to my people said,
“I peace and quiet to my state might bring,
“Would I (what I before would not accord)
“Now take his son Arbantes for my lord.