Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/107

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“I who would have consented to forego
“My life to scape from him, reflection made,
“That, save I first avenged myself, all woe
“Endured, would be by this regret outweighed.
“—Long time I muse, and to my misery know,
’Tis only simulation which can aid.
“Not simple willingness, I feign, desire,
“To win his grace, and have him for my sire.


’Mid many in my father’s service, I
“Select two brothers fitted for my view,
“Of valiant heart and great ability
“But more approved for truth, as followers, who
“Bred in my father’s court, from infancy
“Had with myself grown up; the brothers two
“So wholly bound to me, they would have thought
“My safety with their lives was cheaply bought.


“To them I tell my project, and the pair
“Of brethren promise me their faithful aid:
“To Flanders this, a pinnace to prepare,
“I sent, and that with me in Holland stayed.
“Now, while both foreigners and natives were,
“Of Friesland’s kingdom, to our nuptials prayed,
“Bireno in Biscay (the tidings went)
“For Holland had equipt an armament.