Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/109

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“As falls the bullock upon shamble-sill,
“Thus fell the ill-starred stripling, in despite
“Of king Cymosco, worst among the ill;
“So was the impious king of Friesland hight,
“Who did my brothers and my father kill,
“And, in my state to found a better right;
“In wedlock wished to join me with his son;
“Haply to slay me when his end was won.


“Ere new disturbance interrupt the deed,
“Taking what costliest was and lightest weighed,
“Me my companion by a chord, with speed,
“Drops from a window, where with boat purveyed
“In Flanders (as related) for my need,
“His brother, watchful of our motions, stayed:
“We dip the oar, we loose the sail, and driven
“By both, escape, as was the will of Heaven.


“The daring feat achieved, I cannot say
“If Friesland’s king more sorrowed for his son,
“Or raged at me: he there arrived, the day
“Ensuing, where the dreadful deed was done.
“Proud he returned, both he and his array,
“Of the duke taken, and the victory won:
“And thought to feast and nuptials he was bound,
“But in his home all grief and darkness found.