Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/119

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The monarch turns his back, and leaves the knight
Lord of the drawbridge and of either gate.
Thanks to his swifter steed, the rest in flight
He passes: good Orlando will not wait
(Intent the felon, not his band, to smite)
Upon the vulgar herd to wreck his hate.
But his slow horse seems restive; while the king’s,
More nimble, flies as if equipt with wings.


From street to street, before the count he made;
And vanished clean; but after little stay,
Came with new arms, with tube and fire purveyed;
Which, at his hest, this while his men convey.
And posted at a corner, he waylaid:
His foe, as hunter watches for his prey,
In forest, with armed dogs[12] and spear, attending
The boar in fury from the hill descending,


Who rends the branch and overthrows the stone;
And wheresoe’er he turns his haughty front,
Appears (so loud the deafening crash and groan)
As if he were uprending wood and mount.
Intent to make him his bold deed atone,
Cymosco at the pass expects the count;
As soon as he appears, with ready light
Touches the hole, and fires upon the knight.