Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/124

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Since he to visit Zealand’s duchy planned,
His faithful consort in his company;
And thence, upon the king of Friesland’s land,
Would try his fortune (as he said), for he
A pledge, he rated highly, had in hand,
Which seemed of fair success the warranty,
The daughter of the king; who here forsaken,
With many others had been prisoner taken.


To a younger brother, her, the duke pretends,
To be conjoined in wedlock, he conveyed.
The Roman senator[1] thence parting wends
Upon the very day Bireno weighed;
But he to nothing else his hand extends
Of all the many, many prizes made,
Save to that engine, found amid the plunder,
Which in all points I said resembled thunder.


Not with intent, in his defence to bear
What he had taken, of the prize possest;
For he still held it an ungenerous care
To go with vantage on whatever quest:
But with design to cast the weapon where
It never more should living wight molest:
And, what was appertaining to it, all
Bore off as well, the powder and the ball.

  1. Orlando.