Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/147

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“But grant, e’en now, some skipper hither fare,
“Who may for pity bear me hence away;
“And that I so eschew wolf, lion, bear,
“Torture, and dearth, and every horrid way
“Of death; to Holland shall he take me, where
“For thee is guarded fortilage and bay;
“Or take me to the land where I was born,
“If this thou hast from me by treachery torn?


“Thou, with pretence, from me my state didst wrest
“Of our connection and of amity;
“And quickly of my land thy troops possest,
“To assure the rule unto thyself. Shall I
“Return to Flanders where I sold the rest,
“Though little, upon which I lived, to buy
“Thee needful succour and from prison bear?
“Wretch, whither shall I go? I know not where.


“Can I to Friesland go, where I to reign
“As queen was called, and this for thee forewent;
“Where both my brethren and my sire were slain,
“And every other good from me was rent?—
“Thee would I not, thou ingrate, with my pain
“Reproach, nor therefore deal thee punishment:
“As well as I, the story dost thou know;
“Now, see the meed thou dost for this bestow!