Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/152

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He praised Rogero much, that he had fled
In time from false Alcina, and before
To him the dame had given the chalice dread,
Her lover’s final guerdon evermore.
Next that he had to Logistilla sped,
Where he should duly witness holy lore,
And beauty infinite and grace enjoy,
Which feed and nourish hearts they never cloy.


“Her shall you, struck with wonderment, revere,”
(He said), “when first you shall behold the fay;
“But better contemplate her lofty cheer,
“And you no other treasure shall appay.
“In this her love from other differs; fear
“And hope in other on the bosom prey:
“In hers Desire demands not aught beside,
“And with the blessing seen is satisfied.


“You shall in nobler studies be professed,
“Tutored by her, than bath and costly fare,
“Song, dance, and perfumes; as how fashioned best,
“Your thoughts may tower more high than hawks in air;
“And how some of the glory of the blest
“You here may in the mortal body share[19].”
So speaking, and yet distant from the shore,
To the safe bank approached the pilot hoar.