Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/177

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The lover, eager his desires to speed,
Heaps promises and vows, aye prompt to swear,
What afterwards all winds disperse in air.

Stanza v. lines 6, 7, 8.

For this obvious sentiment, we may say in the language of index makers, see Ovid passim.


for you, without
A lover, like uncultivated vine
Would be, that has no prop to wind about.

Stanza ix. lines 2, 3, 4.

Ut vidua in nudo vitis quæ nascitur arvo
Nunquam se extollit, nunquam mitem educat uvam,
Sed tenerum prono deflectens pondere corpus,
Jam jam contingit summâ radice flagellum,
Hanc nulli agricolæ, nulli accoluêre juvenci:
At si forte eadem est ulmo coujuncta marito,
Multi illam agricolæ, multi accoluêre juvenci.