Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/18

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They form a ring, the board and festive cheer[16]
Removed, and sitting, play a merry game:
Each asks, still whispering in a neighbour’s ear,
What secret pleases best; to knight and dame
A fair occasion, without let or fear,
Their love, unheard of any, to proclaim.
And in conclusion the two lovers plight
Their word, to meet together on that night.


Soon, and much sooner than their wont, was ended
The game at which the palace inmates play:
When pages on the troop with torches tended,
And with their radiance chased the night away.
To seek his bed the paladin ascended,
Girt with that goodly squadron, in a gay
And airy bower, appointed for his rest,
Mid all the others chosen as the best.


And when of comfits and of cordial wine[17]
A fitting proffer has been made anew,
The guests their bodies reverently incline,
And to their bowers depart the courtly crew.
He upon perfumed sheets, whose texture fine
Seemed of Arachne’s loom, his body threw:[18]
Hearkening this while with still attentive ears,
If he the coming of the lady hears.