Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/182

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“Diverse Lingue, orribili favelle,
“Parole di dolore, accenti d’ ira
“Voci alte e fioche e suon di man con elle.”

Infern. 3. ver. 25–28.

In Olympia’s accompanying her exclamation with sobs and action, however, Ariosto again found a model in Ovid’s Ariadne:

“Hæc ego quod voci deerat plangore replebam:
“Verbera cum verbis mista fuêre meis."

Again, in the very words of her apostrophe to Theseus, the imitation is close; and is, indeed, close throughout, as the following examples will show.


Without its freight,” she cries, “thy bark does float.
Where, cruel, dost thou fly?”.

Stanza xxv. lines 3 and 4.

“Quo fugis?” exclamo: “scelerate, revertere, Theseu.
“Flecte ratem; numerum non habet illa suum.”


And she her raiment waving in her hand,
Signs to the frigate to return to land.

Stanza xxv. lines 7 and 8.

“Candidaque imposui longæ velamina virgæ,
“Scilicet oblitos admonitura mei.”


Stretched on the bed, upon her face she lay,
*Last night in thee
Together two found shelter,” did she say.
Alas! why two together are not we
At rising?

Stanza xxvii. lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

. . . “torum repeto qui nos acceperat ambos,
“Sed non acceptos exhibiturus erat.