Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/239

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All in pursuit of the offender speed,
And upon him some charge of robbery lay:
One knight complains that he has stolen his steed,
One that he has purloined his lady gay.
Other accuses him of other deed:
And thus within the enchanted cage they stay,
Nor can depart; while in the palace pent,
Many have weeks and months together spent.


Roland, when he round that strange dome had paced
Four times or six, still vainly seeking, said
Within himself, at last, “I here might waste
“My time and trouble, still in vain delayed,
“While haply her the robber whom I chased
“Has far away, through other gate conveyed.”
So thinking, from the house he issued out
Into the mead which girt the dome about.


While Roland wanders round the sylvan Hall,
Still holding close his visage to the ground,
To see if recent print or trace withal
Can, right or left, upon the turf be found,
He from a neighbouring window hears a call,
And looks, and thinks he hears that voice’s sound,
And thinks he sees the visage by which he
Was so estranged from what he wont to be.