Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/248

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“Turn back or take another road, save here,
“In troth, you covet to be slain by me.
“Nor when I chase or woo my lady dear,
“Let any think I bear with company.”
And—“What more could he say, sir cavalier,”
(Orlando cried to Sacripant) “if we
“Were known for the two basest whores that pull
“And reel from spindle-staff the matted wool?”


Then turning to Ferrâu, “But that thine head,
“Thou brutish sot, as I behold, is bare,
“If thy late words were ill or wisely said,
“Thou should’st perceive, before we further fare.”
To him Ferrâu; “For that which breeds no dread
“In me, why should’st thou take such sovereign care?
“What I have said unhelmed will I prove true,
“Here, single as I am, on both of you.”


“Oh!” (to Circassia’s king cried Roland dread)
“Thy morion for this man let me entreat,
“Till I have driven such folly from his head;
“For never with like madness did I meet.”
—“Who then would be most fool?” the monarch said;
“But if indeed you deem the suit discreet,
“Lend him thine own; nor shall I be less fit
“Haply than thee to school his lack of wit.”