Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/258

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Two squadrons he encountered; one an old
Saracen, Manilardo clept, obeyed;
King of Noritia, whilom fierce and bold,
But fitter now to counsel than to aid.
The next beneath the standard was enrolled
Of Tremisena’s monarch, who was said
’Mid Africans to be a perfect knight;
Alzirdo he by those who knew him, hight:


These, with the other Saracen array,
Cantoned throughout the winter months had lain,
Some near the city, some more far away,
All lodged nigh town or hamlet on the plain.
For since King Agramant had many a day
Spent in attacking Paris’ walls in vain,
He (for no other means remained to try)
Would lastly with a siege the city ply;


And to do this had people infinite:
Since he, beside the host that with him came,
And that of Spain which followed to the fight
The Spanish King Marsilius’ oriflame,
Many of France did in his pay unite:
For all from Paris he to Aries’s stream,
With part of Gascony, some straggling tower
Excepted, had reduced beneath his power.