Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/36

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But, as Melissa counselled him, he wore
His wonted semblance for a time, till he
Was with his armour, many days before
Laid by, again accoutred cap-a-pee.
And, lest Alcina should his end explore,
Feigned to make proof of his agility;
Feigned to make proof if for his arms he were
Too gross, long time unwont the mail to bear.


Next Balisarda to his flank he tied
(For so Rogero’s trenchant sword was hight),
And took the wondrous buckler, which, espied,
Not only dazzled the beholder’s sight,
But seemed, when its silk veil was drawn aside,
As from the body it exhaled the sprite:
In its close cover of red sendal hung,
This at his neck the youthful warrior slung.


Provided thus, he to the stables came,
And bade with bridle and with saddle dight
A horse more black than pitch; for so the dame
Counselled, well-taught how swift the steed and light.
Him Rabicano those who know him name,
And he the courser was, that with the knight,
Who stands beside the sea, the breeze’s sport,
The whale of yore conducted to that port.