Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/58

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Thence through the fields, fast hurrying from that dome,
The former lovers changed, a mighty train,
Some into rock or tree, to fountain some,
Or beast, she made assume their shapes again:
And these, when they anew are free to roam,
Follow Rogero’s footsteps to the reign
Of Logistilla sage; and from that bourn
To Scythia, Persia, Greece, and Ind return.


They to their several homes dispatched, repair,
Bound by a debt which never can be paid:
The English duke, above the rest her care,
Of these, was first in human form arrayed:
For much his kindred and the courteous prayer
Of good Rogero with Melissa weighed.
Beside his prayers, the ring Rogero gave;
That him she by its aid might better save.


Thus by Rogero’s suit the enchantress won,
To his first shape transformed the youthful peer;
But good Melissa deemed that nought was done
Save she restored his armour, and that spear
Of gold, which whensoe’er at tilt he run,
At the first touch unseated cavalier[4];
Once Argalìa’s, next Astolpho’s lance,
And source of mighty fame to both in France.