Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/60

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The heat and thirst and labour which he bore
By that drear sandy way beside the sea,
Along the unhabited and sunny shore,
Were to Rogero grievous company:
But for I may not still pursue this lore,
Nor should you busied with one matter be,
Rogero I abandon in this heat,
For Scotland; to pursue Rinaldo’s beat.


By king, by daughter, and by all degrees,
To Sir Rinaldo was large welcome paid;
And next the warrior, at his better ease,
The occasion of his embassy displayed:
‘That he from thence and England, subsidies
‘Of men was seeking, for his monarch’s aid,
‘In Charles’s name;’ and added, in his care,
The justest reasons to support his prayer.


The king made answer, that ‘without delay,
‘Taxed to the utmost of his power and might,
‘His means at Charlemagne’s disposal lay,
‘For the honour of the empire and the right.
‘And that, within few days, he in array
‘Such horsemen, as he had in arms, would dight;
‘And, save that he was now waxed old, would lead
‘The expedition he was prayed to speed.