Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/62

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The Emperor Charles, and he, King Otho grave,
Who was with Charles, by siege in Paris pressed,
A broad commission to Rinaldo brave,
With letters to the Prince of Wales addressed,
And countersigns had given, dispatched to crave
What foot and horse were by the land possessed.
The whole to be to Calais’ port conveyed;
That it to France and Charles might furnish aid.


The prince I speak of, who on Otho’s throne
Sate in his stead, the vacant helm to guide,
Such honor did to Aymon’s valiant son[1],
He not with such his king had gratified.
Next, all to good Rinaldo’s wish, was done:
Since for his martial bands on every side,
In Britain, or the isles which round her lay,
To assemble near the sea he fixed a day.


But here, sir, it behoves me shift my ground,
Like him that makes the sprightly viol ring,
Who often changes chord and varies sound,
And now a graver strikes, now sharper string:
Thus I:—who did to good Rinaldo bound
My tale, Angelica remembering;
Late left, where saved from him by hasty flight,
She had encountered with an anchorite.

  1. Rinaldo