Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/68

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From the extremest height the hermit hoar
Of that high rock above her, had surveyed
Angelica, arrived upon the shore,
Beneath the cliff, afflicted and dismayed.
He to that place had come six days before;
For him by path untrod.had fiend conveyed:
And he approached her, feigning such a call,
As e’er Hilarion might have had, or Paul.


When him, yet unagnized, she saw appear,
The lady took some comfort, and laid by,
Emboldened by degrees, her former fear:
Though still her visage was of death-like dye.
Misericord! father,” when the friar was near
(She said), “for brought to evil pass am I.”
And told, still broke by sobs, in doleful tone,
The story, to her hearer not unknown.


To comfort her, some reasons full of grace,
Sage and devout the approaching hermit cites:
And, now his hand upon her moistened face,
In speaking, now upon her bosom lights:
As her, securer, next he would embrace:
Him, kindling into pretty scorn, she smites
With one hand on his breast, and backward throws,
Then flushed with honest red, all over glows.