Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/71

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Sea-Proteus to his flocks’ wide charge preferred
By Neptune, of all ocean’s rule possessed,
Inflamed with ire, his lady’s torment heard,
And, against law and usage, to molest
The land (no sluggard in his anger) stirred
His monsters, ore and sea-calf, with the rest;
Who waste not only herds, but human haunts,
Farm-house and town, with their inhabitants:


And girding them on every side, the rout
Will often siege to walled cities lay;
Where in long weariness and fearful doubt,
The townsmen keep their watch by night and day.
The fields they have abandoned all about,
And for a remedy, their last assay,
To the oracle, demanding counsel, fly,
Which to the suppliants’ prayer made this reply:


‘That it behoved them find a damsel, who
‘A form as beauteous as that other wore,
‘To be to Proteus offered up, in lieu
‘Of the fair lady, slain upon the shore:
‘He, if he deems her an atonement due,
‘Will keep the damsel, nor disturb them more:
‘If not; another they must still present,
‘And so, till they the deity content.’