Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v2 1824.djvu/77

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To memory now returned his lady gay,
She rather ne’er was banished from his breast;
And fanned the secret fire, which through the day
(Now kindled into flame) had seemed at rest;
That in his escort even from Catày
Of farthest Ind, had journeyed to the west;
There lost: Of whom he had discerned no token
Since Charles’s power near Bordeaux-town was broken.


This in Orlando moved great grief, and he
Lay thinking on his folly past in vain:
“My heart,” he said, “oh! how unworthily
“I bore myself! and out, alas! what pain,
“(When night and day I might have dwelt with thee,
“Since this thou didst not in thy grace disdain,)
“To have let them place thee in old Namus’ hand!
“Witless a wrong so crying to withstand.


“Might I not have excused myself?—The king
“Had not perchance gainsaid my better right—
“Or if he had gainsaid my reasoning,
“Who would have taken thee in my despite?
“Why not have armed, and rather let them wring
“My heart out of my breast? But not the might
“Of Charles or all his host, had they been tried,
“Could have availed to tear thee from my side.