Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/113

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Though Conquest fruit of skill or fortune be,
To conquer always is a glorious thing,
’Tis true, indeed, a bloody victory
Is to a chief less honour wont to bring;
And that fair field is famed eternally,
And he who wins it merits worshipping,
Who, saving from all harm his own, without
Loss to his followers, puts the foe to rout.


You, sir, earned worthy praise, when you o’erbore
The lion of such might by sea, and so
Did by him, where he guarded either shore
From Francolino to the mouth of Pò,
That I, though yet again I heard him roar,
If you were present, should my fear forego.
How fields are fitly won was then made plain;
For we were rescued, and your foemen slain[1].