Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/115

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This while a band King Agramant had brought,
To make a fierce assault upon a gate:
For while the cruel battle here was fought,
Wherein so many sufferers met their fate,
This haply unprovided had he thought
With fitting guard. Upon the monarch wait
King Bambirago, ’mid his knights of price,
And Baliverso, sink of every vice;


And Corineus of Mulga, Prusion,
The wealthy monarch of the blessed isles;
Malabuferzo, he who fills the throne
Of Fez, where a perpetual summer smiles;
And other noble lords, and many a one
Well-armed and tried; and others ’mid their files,
Naked, and base, whose hearts in martial fields
Had found no shelter from a thousand shields.


But all things counter to the hopes ensue
Of Agramant upon this side; within,
In person, girded by a gallant crew,
Is Charlemagne, with many a paladin:
Ogier the Dane, King Salamon, the two
Guidos are seen, and either Angelin;
Bavaria’s duke[1], and Ganelon are here,
Avino, Avolio, Otho, and Berlinghier:

  1. Namus.