Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/12

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“Though I am sure,” she said, “O cavalier,
“To suffer punishment for what I say;
“Because I know, to him who pens me here,
“This woman quickly will the fact display;
“I would not but thou shouldst the story hear.
“—And let my wretched life the forfeit pay!
“For what can wait me better than that he,
“My gaoler, should one day my death decree?


“Lo! I am Isabel, who once was styled
“The daughter of Gallicia’s hapless king:
“I said aright who was; but now the child
“(No longer his) of care and suffering:
“The fault of Love, by whom I was beguiled;
“For against him alone this charge I bring,
“Who sweetly, at the first, our wish applauds,
“And weaves in secret but deceit and frauds.


“Whilom I lived, content in Fortune’s smile,
“Rich, blameless, fair, and young; to sad reverse
“Condemned, I now am wretched, poor, and vile,
“And in worse case, if any yet be worse.
“But it is fitting, I to thee this while
“From their first root my troubles should rehearse.
“And it will soothe me, though of thee I borrow
“No help, that thou compassionate my sorrow.