Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/133

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After, his other knots unfastening,
(For he was turned more gentle than a maid)
Astolpho, as a show, the thief would bring,
By city, borough-town, and farm conveyed;
The net as well; than which no quainter thing
Was ever by the file and hammer made.
On him, like sumpter-nag he laid the load,
In triumph led, behind him, on his road.


Him helm and shield he gives alike to bear,
As to a valet; hence proceeds the peer,
Gladdening the fearful pilgrim every where,
Who joys to think, henceforth his way is clear.
So far an end does bold Astolpho fare,
He is to Memphis’ tombs already near,—
Memphis renowned for pyramids; in sight,
He marks the populous Cairo opposite.


Ran all the people in tumultuous tide,
To see him drag the unmeasured wight along.
“How can it be,” (each to his fellow cried)
“That one so weak could master one so strong?”
Scarce can Astolpho put the press aside,
So close from every part their numbers throng;
While all admire him as a cavalier
Of mighty worth, and make him goodly cheer.