Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/16

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“Scarcely was Mongia by our galley doubled[2],
“Ere a squall took us on the larboard side,
“Which round about the clear horizon troubled,
“And stirred and tost heaven-high the foaming tide.
“Smote with a north-west wind, next, ocean bubbled,
“Which on her other beam the vessel plied:
“This evermore increases, with such force,
“Starboard or larboard, boots not which our course.


“It steads not to strike sail, nor lash the mast,
“Lowered on the gang-board, nor our castles fell[3];
“The bark, in our despite, is hurried fast
“Towards the pointed rocks about Rochelle:
“Save he, above, assist us at the last,
“The cruel storm will us ashore impel;
“Driven thither by ill wind with mightier speed
“Than ever bow-string gave to whistling reed.


“Our peril well does the Biscayan note,
“And tries what often has an evil end;
“Lowers down the galley’s skiff, and, when afloat,
“Descends into it, and makes me descend:
“Two follow, and a troop would throng the boat,
“Did not the first prevent them, and defend
“The entrance with their naked faulchions; we
“Sever the rope forthwith, and put to sea[4].