Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/18

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“Whether he this desire had nursed at sea,
“And had not dared exhibit it before;
“Or that it sprung from opportunity,
“Suggested by that solitary shore;
“Without more pause, in that lone desert, he
“Would sate his greedy passion; but forbore
“Till he of one could rid him, of the twain,
“Who in the boat with us had scaped the main.


“A man of Scotland he, Almonio hight,
“Who to Zerbino seemed great faith to bear;
“And as a perfect warrior by the knight,
“Praised, when to Odoric given, his trust to share:
“To him (the Spaniard said) it were a slight
“If I unto Rochelle afoot should fare;
“And prayed, that he before would thither speed,
“And forward thence some hackney, for my need.


“Almonio, who in this suspects no ill,
“Forthwith, before our party, wends his way
“To the town, hidden by the wooded hill,
“And which not more than six miles distant lay.
“To the other finally his wicked will
“Sir Odoric took courage to display;
“As well because he could not rid him thence,
“As that in him he had great confidence.