Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/31

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“Where, with her worthiest consort she will strain,
“In honoured and in splendid rivalry,
“Which best shall prize the virtues’ goodly train,
“And widest ope the gates to courtesy.
“If he by Taro, and in Naples’ reign,
“(’Tis said), from Gauls delivered Italy[8],
’Twill be replied, Penelope the chaste,
“As such, was not beneath Ulysses placed.


“Great things and many thus I sum in few
“Of this brave dame, and others leave behind;
“Which when I from the vulgar herd withdrew,
“Sage Merlin from the hollow stone divined.
“For I should leave old Typhis[9] out of view,
“If on such sea I launched before the wind:
“And with this finish my prophetic strain,
“—All blessings on her head the skies will rain.


“With her shall be her sister Beatrice[10],
“Whose fortunes well shall with her name accord;
“Who, while she lives, not only shall not miss
“What good the heavens to those below afford,
“But make, with her, partaker of her bliss,
“First among wealthy dukes, her cherished lord;
“Who shall, when she from hence receives her call,
“Into the lowest depth of misery fall.