Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/35

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“Nor the step-daughter of this noble dame,
“Will I, Renata[17], hight of France, forget,
“Of Louis born, twelfth monarch of his name,
“And Bretagne’s pride; all virtues ever yet
“Bestowed on woman, since the ruddy flame
“Has warmed, or water had the power to wet,
“Or overhead the circling heavens have rolled,
“United in Renata I behold.


’Twere long to tell of Alda de Sansogna[18],
“Or of Celano’s countess in this string,
“Or Blanche Maria, stiled of Catalonia;
“Or her, the daughter of Sicilia’s king,
“Or of the beauteous Lippa de Bologna,
“Or more, with whose renown the world shall ring,
“To speak whose separate praise with fitting lore,
“Were to attempt a sea without a shore.”


When of the larger portion of her seed
The kind enchantress at full ease had told,
And oft and oft rehearsed, amid the rede,
What, arts Rogero to the wizard’s hold
Had drawn, Melissa halted near the mead
Where stood the mansion of Atlantes old,
Nor would approach the magic dome more nigh,
Lest her the false magician should espy.