Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/53

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In many a fierce assault and conflict dread,
’Twixt Spain and Afric and their Gallic foe,
Countless had been the slain, whose bodies fed
The ravening eagle, wolf, and greedy crow;
But though the Franks had worse in warfare sped,
Forced all the champaigne country to forego,
This had the paynims purchased at the cost
Of more good princes and bold barons lost.


So bloody was the price of victory,
Small ground was left them triumphs to prepare;
And if, unconquered Duke Alphonso[1], we
May modern things with ancient deeds compare,
The battle, whose illustrious palm may be
Well worthily assigned to you to wear,
At whose remembrance sad Ravenna trembles,
And aye shall weep her loss, this field resembles.