Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/66

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Where this deep stream was fordable, he scanned
A crowd of cavaliers that armour bore:
And these the paynim questioned, ‘Who had manned,
‘With such a troop, and to what end, the shore?’
To him replied the captain of the band,
Moved by his lordly air, and arms he wore,
Glittering with gold and jewels, costly gear,
Which showed him an illustrious cavalier.


“In charge” (he said) “we of the daughter go
“Of him our king, who fills Granada’s throne,
“Espoused by Rodomont of Sarza, though
“To fame the tidings are as yet unknown.
“And we, departing when the sun is low,
“And the cicala hushed, which now alone
“Is heard, shall bring her vhere her father keeps
“I’ the Spanish camp; meanwhile the lady sleeps.”


He who for scorn had daffed the world aside,
Designs to see at once, how able were
Those horsemen to defend the royal bride,
Committed by their sovereign to their care.
“The maid, by what I hear, is fair:” (he cried)
“Fain would I now be certified, how fair:
“Then me to her, or her to me convey,
“For I must quickly wend another way.”