Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/76

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At the high church, he, girt with paladine
And preachers of the word, and barons brave,
With much devotion at those acts divine
Assisted, and a fair example gave;
And there with folded hands and face supine,
Exclaimed, “O Lord! although my sins be grave,
“Permit not, that, in this their utmost need,
“Thy people suffer for their king’s misdeed!


“And if that they should suffer is thy will,
“And that they should due penance undergo,
“At least delay thy purpose to fulfil;
“So that thine enemies deal not the blow.
“For, when ’tis given him in his wrath to kill
“Us who are deemed thy friends, the paynim foe,
“That thou art without power to save, will cry,
“Because thou lett’st thy faithful people die:


“And, for one faithless found, against thy sway
“A hundred shall throughout the world rebel;
“So that false Babel’s law will have its way,
“And thus thy blessed faith put down and quell.
“Defend thy suffering people, who are they
“That purged thy tomb from heathen hounds and fell,
“And many times and oft, by foes offended,
“Thy holy church and vicars have defended.