Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/78

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And the ineffable Goodness, who in vain
Was never sought by faithful heart, an eye,
Full of compassion, raised; and from the train
Waved Michael, and to the arch-angel; “Hie,
“To seek the Christian host that crost the main,
“And lately furled their sails in Picardy:
“These so conduct to Paris, that their tramp
“And noise be heard not in the hostile camp.


“Find Silence first, and bid him, on my part,
“On this emprize attend thee, at thy side;
“Since he for such a quest, with happiest art
“Will know what is most fitting to provide.
“Next, where she sojourns, instantly impart
“To Discord my command, that she, supplied
“With steel and tinder, ’mid the paynims go,
“And fire and flame in their encampment blow;


“And throughout those among them, who are said
“To be the mightiest, spread such strife, that they
“Together may contend, and that some dead
“Remain, some hurt, some taken in the fray;
“And some to leave the camp, by wrath, be led;
“So that they yield their sovereign little stay.”
Nothing the blessed winged-one replies,
But swoops descending from the starry skies.