Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/81

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Examination, summons, and a store
Of writs and letters of attorney, she,
And hearings, in her hands and bosom bore,
And consultation, and authority:
Weapons, from which the substance of the poor
Can never safe in walled city be.
Before, behind her, and about her, wait
Attorney, notary, and advocate.


Her Michael calls to him, and gives command
“That she among the strongest paynims go;
“And find occasion whence amid the band
“Warfare and memorable scathe may grow.”
He next from her of Silence makes demand,
Who of his motions easily might know;
As one who from one land to the other hied,
Kindling and scattering fire on either side.


“I recollect not ever to have viewed
“Him anywhere,” quoth Discord in reply;
“But oft have heard him mentioned, and for shrewd
“Greatly commended by the general cry:
“But Fraud, who makes one of this multitude,
“And who has sometimes kept him company,
“I think, can furnish news of him to thee,
“And (pointing with her finger) that is she.”