But, sithence antient Time slow minutes by18
ere ruled the Peoples who desire such boon;
bend on my novel rashness favouring eye,
that these my verses may become thine own :
So shalt thou see thine Argonauts o'erfly
yon salty argent, when they see it shown
thou seest their labours on the raging sea:
Learn even now invok'd of man to be.[1]
They walked the water's vasty breadth of blue,19
parting the restless billows on their way;
fair favouring breezes breathed soft and true,
the bellying canvas bulging in their play :
The seas were sprent with foam of creamy hue,
flashing where'er the Prows wide open lay
the sacred spaces of that ocean-plain
where Proteus' cattle cleave his own domain:
When they who hold Olympick luminous height,20
the Gods and Governors of our human race,
convened in glorious conclave, all unite
the coming course of Eastern things to trace:
Treading the glassy dome of lovely light,
along the Milky Way conjoint they pace,
gather'd together at the Thunderer's hest,
and by old Atlas' gentle grandson prest.
- ↑ End of exordium: narrative begins.