Page:Ossendowski - The Shadow of the Gloomy East.djvu/130

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They are pulled on long cables by teams o burlaks moving slowly along the bank. It is terribly hard work. From early spring till late autumn the burlaks inarch, drawing the cable of the heavy bark, which cuts into their arms, chests, and shoulders; they will march sometimes singing with hoarse voices weird lays of olden times, of the famous robbers Pugachov, Rasin, Yennak, and Kolets.

Here, within the crowds of the burlaks, was born and gathered strength that unquenchable hatred of all organised society, of Law, and Church, and State.

Once upon a time the brotherhood of burlaks brought forth famous leaders who became the terror of the main Russian trade route: the Volga, whom their followers, anarchists by nature, crowned with the halo of the "avengers of the people." During the Red Revolution this revenge found its executioners among those whose shoulders and chests still bore traces of the "lamka," that cable-loop which for hundreds of years was dragged by the burlaks.

The terror of it all! While all these burlaks, lords of the sea, witches, wizards, sorcerers, and pagans, who shed the blood of the black ram or cock, spread among the ignorant Russian people licence, hatred, and lawlessness, in the capitals, the Imperial Court, nobility, bankers, and higher clergy led a gay and glittering life, of which Europe knew nothing. The scientists wrote epoch-making books, Russian diplomatists at foreign courts enhanced the charm of the Russian name, learn-