Page:Ossendowski - The Shadow of the Gloomy East.djvu/61

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have the means to drive this force away before getting possession of the treasure and bringing it home. And there is danger in every one of these stages. A wizard is able to spot the treasure, to indicate the means of digging it out, and to suggest measures of protection against the "dark force."

The wonderman receives first of all his fee for general advice, and some time afterwards he invites his client and reveals to him the exact spot where the biggest treasure lies, and the evil force he is about to encounter in his enterprise. Upon receiving a further instalment of his fee, he begins to prepare the bold adventurer for his encounter and combat with the devil The treasure-hunter must not be afraid, and the soothsayer therefore washes his eyes and ears with the liquid brewed from various magic herbs; he must be proof against the poisonous bites of numerous insects and vipers, which, obedient to the command of the devil, gather to attack the hunter. The magician therefore prepares two ointments: one made of bear's grease mixed with the bark of sweet willow-tree, on which some time or other some man has hanged himself. Anointed with such an ointment, human skin does not shiver with either cold or fear. The other ointment is prepared from the grease of a badger mixed with the powder of dried frogs and spiders, and gives protection against the venomous bite of the viper.

The most important function of the expedition is the driving away of the "evil force" which guards the