active part in gospel work in this nation. With deep christian faith, purity of life, and with the open Bible in their hands, large numbers of evangelical native christians are now working with intense zeal for the evangelization of their native land. Statues, and pictures of saints are being frequently burnt and destroyed, and in their place, the ten commandments, printed on a large sheet, and framed, may be seen in many houses. A good church building has been leased us by the government in the capital. A private individual has given us a chapel building in Pueblo. An evangelical weekly called the "Evangelical Torchlight," is published with great ability in Cos, near Zacatecas. A very large number of christian tracts have been published in the capital and circulated throughout the nation. I believe that the evangelical congregations in Mexico might soon number a thousand if the gospel work in this neighboring republic were properly stood by and encouraged by the American evangelical church.
I have found multitudes who are earnestly desirous to learn gospel truth. I have preached to about seven hundred men at a time. New congregations are being formed very frequently. There are in the capital two evangelical congregations composed of lads, and conducted by themselves. One of these lads was recently locked up by his mother in a room for about twenty-four hours, with the hope of inducing him by this punishment to return to the Roman church. In the said room he found a chair, a table with a skull on it, a loaf of bread and a glass of water. "While a prisoner he sang hymns and offered up prayers. His mother at last decided that he was incorrigible and set him free.
The Pueblo congregation, recently attacked by the mob, are working on bravely. A young man belonging to one of the leading families of the capital was locked up in his room by his mother to prevent his attending and taking part in an evangelical service, after having thrown herself at his feet, kissing them, and wailing and crying and begging him not to appear in public in the gospel work until after her death. This young man has an influential position in the post-office, and circulates Bibles