Romero, her mother, and your sister, and sincere regrets that I am not allowed their society with yours any longer, I am, my dear Mr. Romero, forever your faithful and devoted friend.
Señor, Don Matias Romero, &c., &c., &c. Mexico.
Vera Cruz, January 8th., 1870.
My Dear President:—I have thought it most becoming, to address my parting words to you through the office of the Minister of Relations. But I could not think of leaving the country without making a more direct and unstudied acknowledgment of my profound sense of obligation to you, for the exaggerated attentions and hospitality with which you have received myself and family during our delightful sojourn in Mexico. I feel sure, that I am safe in congratulating you upon the finality of peace and regeneration, in the great country which you have rescued from anarchy and foreign conquest.
Accept, my dear Mr. President, my fervent wishes, that you may enjoy fullness of years, and the choicest blessings of Providence.
Your most obliged and most obedient friend and servant.
Don Benito Juarez, President, &c., &c., &c. Mexico.
Vera Cruz, January 8th., 1870.
My Dear Mr. Bossero: —The hour of my departure from Mexico is so entirely filled with recollections of kindnesses received during my stay there, as to exclude even the thought of the welcome that I may hope to receive from my family and friends in the United States. In everything that has concerned me, the Mexican Government has not only manifested an unexampled sentiment of national hospitality, but they have practised in all things, a delicacy which only gen-