Page:Outdoor Girls in a Motor Car.djvu/180

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"There's a light!" exclaimed Grace.

"Yes; and it's at the auto!" added Amy. "Oh, girls——"

"Perhaps it is Mollie," suggested Mrs. Mackson. "Call to her."

"Mollie! Mollie!" Betty cried, shrilly, and the others joined in with a school call.

"Oh, are you there?" came back the answering hail. "Oh, I am so glad."

"That's Mollie!" said Betty, in great relief. "We are united again," and presently the girls were clasping the lost one in their arms, and, let the truth be told—weeping over her for very joy.

"But of all things—to see you!" exclaimed Mollie, to Mr. Blackford, as she fastened her auto lamp on the bracket.

"Yes, and I was surprised to find your friends. But how did you get here?"

Mollie told how she had come to her senses, and had lighted the lamp she had with her. Then, when she was about to escape through the barred window she had heard the sound of a carriage approaching.

"That was mine," said Mr. Blackford.

"If I had known it I would not have been so frightened," remarked Mollie. "As it was, I put out my lamp, and then, when no one came