Page:Outdoor Girls in a Motor Car.djvu/214

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"Not much you won't! If I have to hold you myself!" muttered Mr. Bailey, angrily.

"You get to that justice as fast as you can," directed Mr. Blackford. "We'll hold this man, if we have to chloroform him!"

The farmer jumped from the auto, and hurried off, a dozen hands pointing out the office he desired in the court house. The constable reached the tooth powder vendor.

"You're under arrest!" the officer said, laying a hand on the man's arm.

"Don't you touch me! Under arrest? On what charge?"

He shook himself loose, and stroked his beard nervously, also his luxurious hair, but this time it was black, instead of white—dyed obviously.

"On the charge—on the charge," began the constable nervously. "You're arrested on a charge that's soon to be here. Now don't make any fuss, but come along with me."

"I decline to go with you unless I know what I am charged with!" shouted the faker. "You let me go, or it will be the worse for you!"

Mollie arose in her place at the steering wheel.

"He's arrested on the charge of assault and battery!" she called in her fresh, strong voice. "I make the charge, Girls!" she exclaimed, turning to the others, "that's the man who thrust