Page:Outlines of Hindu Metaphysics.djvu/135

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roads of communion with the Deity pointed out by the spiritual experiences of the Hindu sages.

In the Vedic period the Rishis wanted to propitiate their Personal God of love and power by performing religious sacrifices and rites. In the earliest stage of a religious life a man tries to go to God through works. They realized the presence of a mysterious force through Nature's works and regarded it as an All-Merciful Father. They thought that the means of going to Him lay through religious rites and ceremonies—Yajnas performed to propitiate Him and they offered Him grateful thanks for the many blessings He daily showered on them. Thus the road to the Divinity was through religious works. This is called Karmakánda in Vedic parlance or Karma-Yoga in popular phraseology. It means that communion with the Supreme Soul may be secured through works. To the Vedic Rishis these works were Yajnas